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Eden Fundraising Resources

Raising Support for Eden Project Retreat and Cohort

The Eden Fundraising Resources are available for people who have registered for a Journey Home Retreat or who have already been accepted into an Eden Lead Cohort.


You’re ready. And we’re read to help you secure the financial resources to make it happen. We’ve seen countless leaders get to full funding with these principles. You’re next!


The resources below will equip you to communicate and connect with potential donors as you get fully funded.


Fundraising Tools

These free tools will help you get fully funded. Feel free to remix, edit and adapt these tools for your purposes. 

You are the mission of The Eden Project—a human being designed for the relationally rich soil of Eden. An Eden triad may be one of the ways the triune God leads you back home. Boldly engage in fundraising knowing an investment in your connection to God, self and others matters because you matter. 

Attend a webinar for best practices, coaching and answers to your questions

We host re-occuring webinars to train Eden participants in the art and science of fundraising. Sign-up below to be alerted when the next webinar is scheduled. 

Woman attending a webinar from her computer


Please make sure you have applied for an Eden Lead Cohort or registered for an upcoming Journey Home Retreat before beginning your fundraising. 



Each Eden participant may have a different situation when approaching fundraising. In order to determine what's right for you consider:

Praying to ask the Father if He would have you raise funds

Determine how much funding your will need to raise (tuition, travel, etc)

Build a list of potential donors: people who care about you and people who believe in leadership development

Familiarize yourself with the Eden Fundraising tools

Reach out to potential donors in your network to schedule in-person meetings

Meet with Donors

Follow up with Donors

Thank Donors - consider shooting a selfie video when onsite at an Eden Retreat to say thank you

While thoughtful adaptation may be necessary, we would generally recommend a meeting with the following scope & sequence:

  1. Allow fifteen minutes for fellowship around coffee. Ask questions about them and their family
  2. Transition to sharing your vision for engaging with Eden. 
  3. Share Objectives and Agenda.
    1. Objectives: to encourage them with what God is doing with you and with Edne, to get fully funded , etc). 
    2. Agenda: the outline of the Eden slidedeck
  4. Read The Eden Creed (Appendix A in the Triad Guide) to begin. This helps us remember again the true nature of our design as beings created by a triune God of love and made to connect deeply with God, self, and others. This will quickly help them see the uniqueness of the training you'll receive. 
  5. Walk through the Eden's "Sharing The Eden Opportunity with Potential Donors" slidedeck (available in the google drive folder)
  6. After you've finished sharing, thank them for listening and ask for any questions they have. 
  7. Close with: I know you're busy, why don't I reach out in a weeks time after you've had time to process with your spouse and pray to see how you might want to invest. 
  8. In 7 days, call them and ask "What do you feel led to invest?"